Here I propose a method for training neural networks using Bayesian updating. This method has a few advantages:
- Learns from just a single pass of the data
- Because it isn’t using a gradient-based method we don’t need to specific a loss function
- Also don’t need to specify a learning rate
- Should be applicable to online learning
It has the main disadvantage of probably being strictly worse than normal back propagation for training a neural net.
This post just outlines the algorithm, actual results showing that this can actually do something are found here. Code can be found here.
The idea behind this is that when using ReLU activation functions the activation is either linear with the input (if it’s activated) or zero (if it’s not activated). So the activated neurons can be updated using Bayesian Linear Regression, and we leave the unactivated ones alone. Looking at a single layer with an activation function we have
where $\mathbf{a}^l$ is the activation of layer $l$ (the output), $\mathbf{a}^{l-1}$ is activation from the previous layer (the input into this layer), $\sigma$ is the activation function (in this case ReLU) ,and $\mathbf{w}^l$ is the weight matrix for this layer. (The bias can be incorporated by adding a $1$ to $\mathbf{a}^l$ and an extra row to $\mathbf{w}^l$).
This is a linear transformation with an activation around it, which is what the layers of neural nets are. And so we can look at each layer individually as
$$\mathbf{Y}=\sigma (\mathbf{x}\cdot\mathbf{w})$$
Because ReLU is linear when activated if we only consider the activated neurons (which correspond to $\mathbf{x}\cdot\mathbf{w}_j>0$) this is just a linear transformation:
which we can update using Bayesian Linear Regression.
Overview of the ‘algorithm’
We have our data as $X_i,Y_i$ pairs and start with a standard forward pass through the network. Starting with $\mathbf{a}^0=X_i$ we calculate our activations using
$$\mathbf{a}^l=\sigma(\mathbf{a}^{l-1}\cdot \mathbf{w}^l)$$

The blue circles represent weights, the green and red circle represent the activations (green = activated, red = unactivated).
The activation function can also be thought of as multiplying element wise by a vector $s^l$ which is $1$ when $\mathbf{a}^{l-1}\cdot\mathbf{w}^l_j>0$ and $0$ otherwise
$$\mathbf{a}^l=(\mathbf{a}^{l-1}\cdot \mathbf{w}^l)\circ s^l $$
When we do the forward pass we save each $a^l$ and $s^l$.

Instead of having an activation function and showing the unactivated parts, we can just remove the weights which don’t lead to activations.
Now for the training part. When we feed in the data $X_i$ we would like the neural net to output something close to $Y_i$, this should be the output of the final layer ($l=L$). We want the inputs into the final layer to be transformed to give $Y_i$,
$$Y_i=(\mathbf{a}^{L-1}\cdot \mathbf{w}^L)\circ s^L$$. This can be done by only taking the columns of $\mathbf{w}^l$ for which $s_j^l=1$.
But if we only consider the elements of this for which $s^l=1$ we get the linear equation
$$Y_i’=\mathbf{a}^{L-1}\cdot (\mathbf{w}^L)’$$
This can be updated using Bayesian linear regression (more on this later), which will update the weight matrix $(\mathbf{w}^l)’$. We then plug the updated values of $(\mathbf{w}^l)’$ back into $\mathbf{w}^l$, leaving the other elements unperturbed. This has updated the final layer of the network.
Now for a dodgy step, to update the next layer (layer $L-1$) we have the input $\mathbf{a}^{L-2}$ but we need the desired output for the Bayesian update which we’ll call $Y^l$, to do this we invert (or pseudoinvert, more on this later) the final layer
$$Y^l=Y_i’ \cdot \text{inv} (\mathbf{w}^l)’$$
$Y^l$ is what layer $l$ ‘should’ output, and we calculate it using the the weights from the next layer which have just been updated to be ‘correct’.
We use only the activated elements, because these are the only ones that contributed to the linear transformation in the forward pass.
For this layer we have the equation
$$(Y^{L-1})’=\mathbf{a}^{L-2}\cdot (\mathbf{w}^{L-1})’$$
Where the primes indicate we are taking only elements or columns for which $s^{L-1}=1$. We then update the weight matrix as before, and then perform the same inversion trick to find the next $Y^l$
$$ Y^l=Y^{l+1}\cdot \text{inv}(\mathbf{w}^l)$$
and begin again.
This ‘back propagation’ is done all the way back through the network to layer $l=1$. The fact that this is propagating backwards does maybe hint that there are going to be more connections between this weird (bad) Bayesian updating scheme and normal backpropagation.

First do a forward pass through the network to calculate all the activations, and find which parts are actually used for activations. Then work backwards from $Y_{out}$, updating the parts of the weight matrix which lead to activations, and then using the updated weight matrix to find the ‘target’ for the next layer.
So to recap:
- We first perform a forward pass through the network, saving all the $\mathbf{a}^l$ and $s^l$.
- For the final layer we perform a Bayesian updating step to make the network output closer to $Y_i$
- ‘Invert’ the final layer to find the ‘desired output’ $Y^l$ for the next layer
- Update the next layer using Bayes
- Invert that layer to find the next ‘desired output’
- Repeat through all of the layers
We update the weights and then use the updated weights to find the ‘target’ of the next layer.
Bayesian updating step
The actual update step is the most important part of this algorithm, and so we will go into more depth. For this I was following the Wikipedia page for Bayesian multivariate linear regression
We can write our linear transformation as a single matrix equation
The matrix $\mathbf{w}$ has an uncertainty associated with it, represented by $\mathbf{\Lambda}$. The matrix $\mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}$ is the covariance between the rows of $\mathbf{w}$. Roughly, a larger $\mathbf{\Lambda}$ means less uncertainty in the elements of $\mathbf{w}$.
For each $(X_i,Y_i)$ pair, we update both $\mathbf{w}$ and $\mathbf{\Lambda}$:
$$\mathbf{w} \to (X_i^TX_i+\mathbf{\Lambda})^{-1}(X_i^TY_i + \mathbf{\Lambda}\mathbf{w})$$
$$\mathbf{\Lambda}\to X_i^TX_i+\mathbf{\Lambda}$$
Bayesian linear regression has the nice property that each update uses all the information from the data $(X_i,Y_i)$, so you don’t need to run through the data multiple times. Updating multiple times from the same data would in fact lead us to update too far. Additionally, it is independent of the order that we update in; starting from the same prior ($\mathbf{w}_0$ and $\Lambda_0$) we can update from the data in any order and will get the same result (assuming we update from each datum exactly once).
Because this algorithm makes a few pretty dubious steps, the order-independence property will certainly not hold (neither will the ‘updating all the way’ property I assume). Therefore it might be good to only update some of the from each data point, and then do multiple passes through all of the data. If we want to do this the updating method can be easily modified, such that each update only updates a fraction $c$ amount of the total
$$\mathbf{w} \to (cX_i^TX_i+\mathbf{\Lambda})^{-1}(cX_i^TY_i + \mathbf{\Lambda}\mathbf{w})$$
$$\mathbf{\Lambda}\to cX_i^TX_i+\mathbf{\Lambda}$$
In a normal linear regression case we could use these equations to update, and just run through the data $1/c$ times.
It seems like $c$ plays an analogous role to the learning rate $\alpha$ for normal Backpropagation/SGD, controlling how large steps to take. $c$ acts as a hyperparameter, and I am unsure whether setting it to anything except 1 is a good idea.
Calculating $Y^l$
When we update the weights of each layer $\mathbf{w}^l$ we need the ‘target’ $Y^l$ to update towards. This is done by performing some kind of inversion on the just updated weights ahead of it in the network $\mathbf{w}^{l+1}$. We want to invert the equation:
$$Y^{l+1}=Y^l\cdot \mathbf{w}^{l+1}$$
Using the newly updated weights $\mathbf{w}^{l+1}$, and only using elements of $Y^{l+1}$ and $\mathbf{w}^{l+1}$ which correspond to activations ($s_j^{l+1}=1$). There is no guarantee that $\mathbf{w}^{l+1}$ will be a square matrix, and so we cannot just invert it. Furthermore if $Y^l$ is of greater length than $Y^{l+1}$, then inverting the equation will be under determined and there will be infinitely many possible $Y^l$. But there is a desired property of $Y^l$ which we can use to select a single one; we want the $Y^l$ which is closest to $\mathbf{a}^l$. This means when we update the weight matrix $\mathbf{w}^l$ we update it the minimum amount to be consistent with the new information, rather than have it fluctuate wildly with each update. Using this criterion $Y^l$ is given by
$$Y^l=\mathbf{a}^l + \mathbf{w}^{l+1}((\mathbf{w}^{l+1})^T\cdot\mathbf{w}^{l+1})^{-1}(Y^{l+1}-\mathbf{a}^l\mathbf{w}^{l+1})^T$$
If the superscripts are making this hard to read, it looks like this when we remove some of them
$$Y^l=\mathbf{a} + \mathbf{w}(\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{w})^{-1}(Y^{l+1}-\mathbf{a}\mathbf{w})^T$$
A derivation can be found below 1.
Future Work
Demonstrating that this Actually Does Something
I have written up results showing this actually does something here. I demonstrated it can fit both 1D and 2D functions. I also tested this method for classification, seeing how well it works on the MNIST dataset.
Activation Functions
This method currently uses ReLUs or the identity for all the activation functions, which is probably suboptimal. I can see a few ways to expand this to maybe be better.
Make the final layer a logistic regression layer
This would be useful for accurate classification.
Given the inputs coming from the previous layer $\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{a}^{L-1}$, we use them to train a logistic model
where we learn the weights $\mathbf{w}$. For multiclass classification, we could train a something like a multinomial probit model.
Doing logistic regression, rather than linear regression has the disadvantage that there isn’t a nice closed form solution. We would probably be forced to use either Gibbs sampling or some variational method to learn the weights $\mathbf{w}$. But we would only need to do this for the final layer, because all the other layers could be ReLUs.
Adapt this method to use Leaky ReLUs
Currently when the neurons aren’t activated we just ignore them. But if we use a Leaky ReLU, when $x<0$ then $\sigma(x)=0.01 x$, which is also linear in $x$. So rather than ignoring the unactivated neurons we multiply them by $0.01$ and then apply the simple Bayesian Linear Regression. This would have the advantage of updating each neuron for each data point, and would mean that we wouldn’t have to change the size of the weight matrix every time we updated it. But it does have the disadvantage that the matrices will be a lot bigger (because there are no zero entries to remove) and so the linear algebra may be more computationally intensive.
Maybe use even other activation functions
For other activation functions, for example a logistic function or a tanh function, it may be possible to extend the Leaky ReLU idea further. The idea would be to apply a Taylor approximation to the activation function
And then only update the part which is linear in $x$. This is not very fleshed out, and I need to do a bit more maths to see if this even makes sense
- From here we can solve for the smallest (minimum norm) vector $\mathbf{X}$ satisfying
We want to solve $Y^{l+1}=Y^l\cdot \mathbf{w}^{l+1}$ for $Y^l$ such that $Y^l$ is as close to $\mathbf{a}^l$ has possible. We can define $Y^l=\mathbf{a}^l+\delta$, we want to find the smallest $\delta$ which satisfies this equation:
$$Y^{l+1}=(\mathbf{a}^l+\delta)\cdot \mathbf{w}^{l+1}$$
This can be rearranged to give
$$\delta \cdot \mathbf{w}^{l+1}=Y^{l+1}-\mathbf{a}^l\cdot \mathbf{w}^{l+1}$$
The right hand side of this equation will play the role of $\mathbf{Y}$, and so we can solve for $\delta$:
and so the $Y^l$ closest to $\mathbf{a}^l$ is
$$Y^l=\mathbf{a}^l + \mathbf{w}^{l+1}((\mathbf{w}^{l+1})^T\cdot\mathbf{w}^{l+1})^{-1}(Y^{l+1}-\mathbf{a}^l\mathbf{w}^{l+1})^T$$
Pingback: Results for Training Neural Networks with Bayesian Linear Regression – Peter Barnett